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for the Ornithologists

An adventure in the world of birds – Late summer and early autumn in the Puszta

Late summer and early autumn are outstanding periods for viewing the world of birds of the famous Hortobágy Puszta. This is the time of spectacular bird migration in the grassy puszta, in the marshlands and at the fish ponds. Observing the grey herons, spoonbills, diving birds, comorants, geese, ducks, longshanks, gulls and collared prantincole within their habitat, while they are feeding and during their spectacular air manoeuvres, is a memorable adventure for each of the visitors.

The morning hours and the late afternoon are especially suitable for meeting the great bustard, the „ostrich of the Puszta “. In the evening the red footed falcons cluster in the small groves of the Puszta and the lesser grey shrike and the colourful rollers are at home here as well. However, late summer and early autumn is also the time of the great predator birds, which take their rest here and which with the aid of thermal flows they rise to the heights, looking for preys: the imperial eagles, long-legged buzzards, gyrfalcons and an other five-six species of the feathered hunters meet here. In this season an other special attraction is the migration of the dotterel. This bird incubates at the tundra of the northern arctic and it is so friendly to men that it may be observed from its immediate vicinity. In the Hortobágy Puszta it follows those large herds raised outdoors that are emblematic of this national park: grey cattles, Racka sheep, water buffalos, Mangalicza pigs and Puszta horses.

In the autumn the greatest international attraction is represented by the several thousands of common cranes, which rest here for weeks during their trip to the South. They do fly each day between the feeding meadows and the sleeping areas. The melodic and mystic blares of these man high majestic birds will not be forgotten by any of the visitors of the Puszta the same way as they will not forget the view of ospreys, hen harriers and rough-legged hawks, the winter guest birds of Hortobágy. The great bustards spend the winter in the neighbouring rape fields. The long-eared owls sleep on the trees of the villages of the Puszta, daytime. The fish ponds are full with herons and ducks, and there are black tailed godwits, curlews, ruffs, pond skaters and stints swarming in the marshlands looking for food. The closing spectacle is provided by the great migration of geese. There are thousands of bean geese, great white-fronted geese and greyleg geese flying around, the same way as the above mentioned cranes, between the sources of food, the drinking and sleeping places within the National Park of the Hortobágy Puszta. Those who did not live through this adventure yet have been living in vain!